
Analysis of Impediments - City of St. Louis

This is the revised Analysis of Impediments to Fair Housing Choice (AI) for St. Louis City. The purpose of this AI, as regulated by the HUD is to identify discriminatory practices or effects for the following protected classes identified in federal fair housing law: color, disability, familial status, gender, race, religion, and national origin.

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Analysis of Impediments - St. Louis County

The purpose of this AI, as regulated by the HUD is to identify discriminatory practices or effects for the following protected classes identified in federal fair housing law: color, disability, familial status, gender, race, religion, and national origin.St. Louis County, the City of Florissant, and the City of O’Fallon participate together in a Consortium for the purpose of accessing federal affordable housing funds under HUD’s Home Investment Partnerships Act (HOME) program.

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Fair Housing Equity Assessment

Prepared by Equal Housing Opportunity Council - This assessment addresses issues of racial disparities and access to opportunities throughout the St. Louis region. The FHEA involves not just data analysis and evaluation, but the engagement of such data that informs strategy development and planning in order to address ways of creating inclusive and sustainable communities.

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Regional Housing Assessment

Prepared by East-West Gateway Council of Governments - The Housing Assessment (the Assessment) for the St. Louis region is part of the Regional Plan for Sustainable Development (RPSD) partnership funded by U.S. HUD, DOT, and EPA that includes 11 core partners and hundreds of additional partners from a variety of public, private, and non-profit organizations throughout the St. Louis region. The goal of the three-year planning process is to create a regional plan that builds the capacity of local and regional leaders to implement sustainable practices by sharing knowledge, best practices, and resources; connecting local, regional, state, and federal planning efforts; and making federal

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Download Appendix D Local Government Survey Summary

Download Appendix E Commissioned Research Housing Authority Report

St Louis County Housing Study

Prepared by St. Louis County - In the fall of 2011, Development Strategies was commissioned to conduct a housing study of St. Louis County by the Office of Community Devel- opment (OCD) of the St. Louis County Department of Planning. The focus of the study is on affordable housing and the role it can play in addressing anti-poverty efforts. Specifically, this study documents and evaluates home foreclosures and affordable rental housing in St. Louis County (referred to simply as the “County” throughout this study). It includes not only measures of the pace and scale of foreclosures and the quality and condition of affordable housing, but analysis of the

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