Sustainable Solutions List

Practical Solutions

Accessory Dwelling Units

Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing

Bicycle and Pedestrian Facilities and Programs


Brownfield Redevelopment

Building and Energy Codes



Climate Action Plan


Community Emergency Response Team (CERT)

Community Gardens

Community Supported Agriculture (CSAs)/Food Co-Ops

Complete Streets


Connectivity Indexes (Transportation Network Design)

Conservation Easements

Conservation Subdivision Design

Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design

Density Bonuses

Drought Awareness & Preparedness

Educating the Public on Sustainability

Electronics Recycling

Employer Assisted Housing

Energy Efficiency

Energy Efficient Lighting

Fair Housing Testing

Farmers Markets

Farmland Preservation

Floodplain Management Solutions

Food Waste Recovery

Foreclosure Mediation

Form-Based Code

Geothermal Heat Pumps (GHPs)

Get Out to Vote

Graywater Reuse

Great Streets

Green Roofs

Green Teams

Greenhouse Gas Inventory

High Efficiency Vehicles for Fleets

Home Energy Audits

Home Improvement Guide

Home Improvement Loan Program

Housing Counseling Centers

Inclusionary Zoning

Land Bank

Leadership Training Programs

Livestock Waste Management

Local Food for Public Institutions

Low Flow Water Technology

Low Impact Development (LID)

Low Income Housing Tax Credits

Methane Digesters

Mixed-Use Development

Mixed-Use Zoning

Mold Reduction and Removal

Multigenerational Communities

National Flood Insurance Program and Community Rating System

Native Gardens at Schools

Native Landscaping

No Idling Zone

Ozone Garden

Parking Requirements: Reducing Minimums & Improving Management

Passive Solar Energy

Pervious Pavement

Pocket Parks

Radon Reduction and Removal

Rain Barrels

Rain Gardens


Reduce the Amount of Waste Going to Landfills

Reduce Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT)

Rehabilitation Subcodes

Renewable Energy for Homes

Renewable Energy for Public Buildings

Rental Licensing Program

Retention/Detention Ponds

Riparian Buffers

School Vegetable Gardens

Section 3 Hiring and Training

Single Stream Recycling

Smog-Eating Concrete

Solar Panels

Source of Income Protection Legislation

STAR Communities Rating System

Stormwater Trash Separators

Streamwater and Wetland Mitigation Banking

Street Trees

Tobacco Free Housing

Transfer of Development Rights

Transit Oriented Development (TOD)

Tree Maintenance and Preservation

Two-Stage Ditch Design

Universal Design

Urban Agriculture

Urban and Community Forestry Management

Volunteering & Community Service

Watershed Planning

Wetland Preservation

Wildlife Corridor

Yard Waste Recycling & Management

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