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Sustainable Projects Marketplace

Launched in 2015, the Sustainable Projects Marketplace is a searchable database for sustainability projects in the St. Louis Region. Its purpose is to connect people working to implement projects with people who have resources to help get those projects completed.

The Marketplace is designed to help community development corporations, non-profits, local government agencies, neighborhood groups, schools or other organizations find financing, donations, volunteers, technical assistance or additional research to help implement or plan for a sustainability-related or community development project.  The marketplace originated as a mechanism to help funding agencies, financing institutions, and philanthropies find projects. In doing so, it also provides an outlet for OneSTL Network members to advertise their projects and ask for technical assistance or volunteers. Most recently, the Marketplace was expanded to list partners’ intentions to apply for large grants that require regional-scale partnerships. Listed projects are not prioritized, but they are approved by a committee of the OneSTL Network. OneSTL is currently recruiting for projects to be listed on the Marketplace. Please use these instructions to submit a project or contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. The Marketplace will be a primary focus of the OneSTL Funding Network, as that network will be promoting it and building the interest of funding institutions to visit and use the site.