News & Events

Improve quality of life in low-income neighborhoods.

Increase civic engagement of typically underrepresented populations.

  1. Research best practices for involving low-income, minority and foreign-born populations and implement through public involvement programs. EWG, OneSTL Network
  2. Provide training on increasing opportunities for civic engagement. EWG, FOCUS
  3. Develop partnerships to increase engagement of typically underrepresented populations in public decision-making. IntIn, EWG, BH, EHOC, OneSTL Network
  4. Provide dialogue opportunities around community policy issues. FOCUS, LSLN

Increase the safety and quality of housing.

  1. Promote enhanced code enforcement through the OneSTL Sustainable Solutions Toolkit and workshops. OneSTL Network
  2. Support educational initiatives for homeowners on ways to improve housing quality through home maintenance. BH
  3. Research best practices for addressing absentee landlords and promote the use of such tools through the OneSTL Sustainable Solutions Toolkit. EWG, CBN